08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



May/June 2011

Annabelle made our "Christmas Green Pasta" as a Foods Class project.

Spring Choral Concert at the High School.

Memorial Day Weekend - our first trip up North for 2011

The CCC Pumphouse at Gooseberry Falls.

Gooseberry Falls

Fifth Falls Trail at Gooseberry

Throwing sticks into the Gooseberry River

Foam at Fifth Falls

The Split Rock!

These Yellow Swallowtails seem to be out in droves in late May...perhaps newly hatched.

Annabelle and me gazing at a Yellow Swallowtail.

Day Hill Beach - Spring arrived so late the leaves were just coming out event though it was nearly June.

Annabelle at Day Hill Beach

Camp Burritos near Ellingston Island.


Sunset on Ellingston

A few weeks later - June 11 - at Gooseberry Falls with Grandma Rudy.

Picnic Lunch near Lady Slipper Lodge at Gooseberry Falls.


At the Lighthouse Tour (Split Rock) - it was free admission day!

The lighthouse lens.

The lighthouse lens...

Climbing down the lighthouse tower.

These cool rock chairs are at Split Rock - we found them last summer and were thrilled to see they survived the winter.  They are amazingly comfortable.

More of the rock chairs - there are enough for our entire family.

Annabelle on the point at Day Hill Beach....the water is usually too high to climb to it.  

Looking back at Day Hill Beach from the point.

Another picnic dinner overlooking Ellingston.  Apparently we were all to engrossed in our dinner to look up!

Grandma Rudy spent the week with us so she could see Annabelle in Bye Bye Birdie

Nathaniel's soccer game...

Reading with Rudy...

Playing cards with Rudy on a rainy afternoon.

More games with Rudy late at night!

Opening night at Birdie - Annabelle and Rudy.

Father's Day 2011.  Chris had just arrived back from a week away in Brazil and we celebrated with Key Lime Pie!


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