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Science Fair-January 2007

Me at the Science Fair.  I didn't win but I still had fun!

Amazing Grace-February 2007

2/18/07  Me singing at church - click here

I sang at 4 services February 18 for "Amazing Grace" Sunday, as proclaimed by the National Association of Evangelicals (our pastor is the interim president of this organization).  It was to commemorate the release of the movie "Amazing Grace", the biography of William Wilberforce (a very notable Christian) and his friendship with John Newton, author of the hymn Amazing Grace.

The William Wilberforce story is interesting - check out the movie site and a brief bio here:




I Love to Read Month - February 2007

My Brownie troop helped out with Prairie View's celebration of I Love to Read Month at the Eden Prairie Library.  We helped decorate for the event and greeted people.  At the event you could make crafts, listen to stories read by Prairie View teachers and see Clifford, Mother Goose and other characters.

Valentine's Day - February 2007

Here are some pictures of our Valentine Celebration.  My brother and I had a treasure that my mom made for us.  


Finally - snow!!! February 25, 2007

Yea!  We finally got a big snow!!  See pictures and video.


Me sledding down our hill- click here



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