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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM

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June 2011 Update

Summer is finally here after the worst winter I can remember in my 10 years living in Minnesota.  We have been up to the North Shore twice already - and preparing to leave again soon.  We've got a total of 4 trips up North on the calendar - and may try to squeeze in a 5th fall trip.

Our June camping trip will be interesting - since it is right in the middle of a predicted state government shutdown, which will force us to leave the campground right in the middle of our trip.

Read on for news of the kids....


  • Annabelle is just wrapping up Bye Bye Birdie in June...it has been a fun show.
  • She is going on her first missions trip in July - a week long experience here in Minnesota.  
  • She has many other things she'd like to this summer - not sure how they will all fit in.  She'd like to do dance camp, voice lessons and help with the EPP Children's Theater production because the schedule conflict with her missions trip.








  • Is in more camps this summer than Annabelle!  He is in a Lego RCX Robotics camp this week.  Later this summer he is taking an architecture camp, Camp Invention and swimming lessons.
  • He has become our family's computer expert! 

Some things we are looking forward to in the coming months:

  • Camping on the North Shore...
  • Enjoying Minnesota Summer
  • Counting our blessings and enjoying time together as a family!


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