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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM

I love you like...
2002 Pictoral Review
2003 Composite
2004 Composite
2002 Pictures
2003 Pictures
2004 Pictures
2005 Pictures
2006 Pictures
Tribute to Dads 2006
Nathaniel composit
2007 Pictures
Video Links
2008 Pictures
Nathaniel's Sharing
2009 Pictures
Jan 2010
Florida 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010



Welcome to the Ludwig gallery!  Browse the many photos and amateur art work!  You'll find most of the photos by following the links on the left.

Annabelle's Portrait of her mom.  See "All About Mom" and "All About Dad" for more cute stuff!

Copyright © 2002 Chris Ludwig

All Rights Reserved

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