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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Late April 2003

4/24/2003...Celebrating Daddy's b-day a day late...he was out of town for the real day!

Eating cake on the deck!

4/26/03...One of the first days of the season at Starring Lake Park

Nathaniel running!

Annabelle went on a long bike ride with us...she put a lot of miles on the bike this summer!

4/27...Annabelle and the dolly-of- the- week after church.

Woozle...still alive and kicking after 22 years! (I think...don't know exactly how old she is!)

Nathaniel still loves to read!

Daddy eating some chocolate strawberry shortcake...his traditional birthday treat!

4/28...Mom's Night at preschool!


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