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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



April 2003

4/10/03...Nathaniel (and Woozle-cat) longing to be outside on a warm spring day...see Annabelle is already there!

4/12/03...At Bachman's annual Easter Open House...here we are at the petting zoo.

Nathaniel by the lambs.

Nathaniel outside ...

Eating dinner outside for the first time of the season.  We eat out here all summer long!

4/13/03...Palm Sunday

Wave that Palm Branch!...Hosanna to the King!!

4/14/03...A very hot day...almost 90!  Notice the shorts and sandals!

Nathaniel loves his Cozy-Coupe

4/15/03...Outside preparing treat bags for Easter party at Pre-K next day

Annabelle got her library card!  Really big stuff for her!

6/16/03...Easter party at school

Nathaniel hung in there during the 2 hour party!

Annabelle's class and the Easter Bunny!

Annabelle with daffodils for her classmates.

4/17/03...Inside painting...it is cold and rainy again!

Making Jello Jiggler Eggs!

4/18/03...The finished Jello Jiggler Egg!


4/19/03...Annabelle with friend Mary-Elizabeth at church Easter Hunt

Annabelle with her loot!

4/20/03...HAPPY EASTER!!!

The kids with the Easter Bunny goodies

Ready for church


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