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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



April 2008

Dinner at Grandad and Grandma Cindy's!

Gardening at Grandma Rudy's!  We spent the week helping my mom get her yard in shape for the summer.  This was the only day of sunshine...and we made good use of it.

Hiking at the Clegg Botanical Gardens with Grandma Rudy.

More Botanical Gardens.

Painting a wooden chest for Grandma Rudy's front porch. (see finished product below)

Our visit wouldn't be complete without at hike at the Battlefield!  We took a blustery walk and visited the monument.

Our finished painted chest!

At Happy Hallow Park with Grandad and Grandma Cindy.

April 7...me on the morning I got my braces on.

My crooked teeth and a look at a partial cross bite (front teeth behind the back teeth).  The other side is a complete cross bite...where the top teeth go entirely behind the bottom when my mouth is closed.

At the last minute I decided to go for the clear ceramic braces!  I am very glad I did.  They not nearly as obvious as the metal ones.  

I was elated to learn that they only put braces on the top this time...they will add the lower ones in a couple of months (those will be metal).  Treatment should be complete in 9-12 months...so in early 2009.  Whoopie!

Nathaniel's "Superstar" Week at school.  He gets some special jobs...plus a sharing time where the class learns all about him and his favorite things.

Nathaniel sharing pictures with the class for Superstar Week.

Nathaniel sharing a picture of his fish, "Pick-Up"

Nathaniel and friends doing the "Superstar Jig".

Nathaniel in front of his showcase window.

Here are the things Nathaniel chose to display.

Chris' birthday dinner.  It was a rare warm day - around 75.  We went for a 14 mile bike ride on his new mountain bike in the afternoon.  

Chris' birthday dinner...Swedish meatballs and spinach salad (from Costco!) and Japanese Beer.

Chocolate Cake for dessert!  Annabelle and I had to dash off for a  Choir performance...so no time to linger for a second slice for us!

Annabelle at Feed My Starving Children.  Cargill staffed a shift; Chris and Annabelle did it together.

Chris and Annabelle at Feed My Starving Children.

Annabelle at her final choir performance for the year at Wooddale church.

April 26...Annabelle and I braved the snow and cold to walk in her school's "Fun Run"...a 1 mile walk around Round Lake. 

Annabelle and her friend Jenna after the Fun Run....Brrrr!

April 30...a warm enough day to set out the cool weather crops.  I planted spinach, lettuce, peas, potatoes and onions.


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