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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



April 2010

Our trip to Indiana felt too short this year.  We were there over Easter weekend, which flooded the plans even more.  But we were blessed with incredibly warm weather - temps in the 70s and 80s all week!

Working in Grandma Ludwig's yard.

Nathaniel and Annabelle were good helpers!

Annabelle trimming the hydrangea.

Lunchtime with Grandma Ludwig!

Annabelle getting a taste of driving (compliments of John Deere!)

Nathaniel had his turn too!

Playing in the creek behind Grandma's house.

Nathaniel relaxing on the swing behind Grandma's house.

Chris, his mom , Nathaniel and Annabelle, in front of her home.

Annabelle and Grandma Rudy at the Shoup House Antiques - a spring break tradition!

Another Spring Break tradition - playing in Granddad's basement!

Nathaniel and Annabelle with Grandma and Granddad David.

Annabelle and Nathaniel my the quilt we made in VBS when I was a kid.  It is still on display at church!

Easter Sunday at Battle Ground United Methodist!

Outside Battle Ground United Methodist - with Grandma Rudy.  This is the church that raised me!

At the Battlefield with one of my best friends from school - Jennifer.  (Thanks for making time for us on Easter!)

Hiking at the Battlefield on Easter.

Gorgeous trail!

The Easter bunny found Annabelle...

and Nathaniel!

Playing games with Grandma Rudy!

Visiting with another best friend from school - Amy!  (Thanks to you too for making time for me!)

Kids playing with Jack the cat.

Visiting Purdue!

Whooppee!  Armstrong Hall!

Nathaniel posing with pictures of all the NASA Purdue Alum.  Wouldn't it be cool to see his picture there someday?

Armstrong Hall - and the Apollo Capsule replica.

Nathaniel with the statue of Neil Armstrong on Purdue's campus.

Happy Hallow Park!

The kids and I with Granddad and Grandma David.

More games with Grandma Rudy.

Grandma Rudy's yard all finished - relaxing on the swing.

Hiking at the Botanical Gardens.

A cool cave in the gardens.

Nathaniel with the skunk cabbage.

Nathaniel got to meet one of his favorite authors, Ridley Pearson!

Nathaniel getting a signed copy of Ridley Pearson's book!

Annabelle rehearsing for a dance number in Wooddale Church's spring musical, "Born to Worship"

More dance rehearsal

The "Born to Worship" actors ham it up for the camera!

Annabelle and her Destination  Imagination Team at the State Competition.

Annabelle and her DI Team.

Coon Rapids Dam

On the Mississippi!

The Coon Rapids Dam in the background.

Dad's birthday!  We celebrated at home with homemade veggie lasagne!

Plus a red velvet cake.

The next day - we left for Sounds of Praise Tour to Albert Lea!

Annabelle in the skit - playing a drama queen (a real stretch!)


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