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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Christina’s Favorite Sandwich

Oilve Oil

Red or Yellow Onion, thinly sliced and quartered

Portabello Mushrooms, sliced

Garlic, 1 small clove minced

Fresh spinach

Red Wine

Extra Sharp White Cheddar, thinly sliced (I use Tillamook Extra Sharp White Cheddar)

Grey Poupon Mustard

Crusty baguette

I didn’t give amounts for veggies…use whatever your preference is. I use about ¼ cup onion, about 4 mushrooms, half a small clove garlic and a generous cup of fresh spinach.

Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms and cook until browned. Add fresh spinach leaves and red wine, cook until spinach is wilted and wine is reduced.

Slice baguette in half and spread with mustard. Layer on veggies, top with cheese. Wrap in foil and pop in oven for a few minutes to melt cheese if desired.


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