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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Christmas trip 2006 - Chicago-Indiana

On Michigan Ave. with the cousins!

Annabelle and me in front of the American Girl Store

The American Girl store front.

The cousins in front of John Hancock.

Nathaniel looking at trains at John Hancock.

L=>R My sister, me and my mom.

Annabelle looking at the store windows!

Mary Poppins display at Marshall Fields (okay - MACY's!)

Dinner at Buca

At the Museum of Science and Industry

The Chicago skyline!

Nathaniel loved the trains at the museum of Sci. and Industry

Catching snow (bubbles) at the Christmas tree display.

Watching baby chicks hatch.

Chicago Art Intitute

Outside the Chicago Art Institute

At Grandma and Grandpa Ludwig's house

Notice the green grass in Indiana in December!

Annabelle at Grandad's house

Annabelle helping Grandma Cindy in the kitchen.

Nathaniel reading from his "golden binder"


Annabelle at Grandma Rudy's

Annabelle playing with Jack.  It was on this trip that we learned how terribly allergic Annabelle is to Jack!  This was probably the first and last time they will play!

Grandma Rudy playing "truck stop" with Nathaniel.

Jenga anyone?

Our New Year's Eve feast - complete with out fortune cookies!


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