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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Christmas 2007 & Indiana Trip

A cuddly night by the fire a few days before Christmas

Making Fortune Cookies Christmas Eve...a traditional dessert on New Years Eve.

Making our traditional green pasta on Christmas Eve!

Christmas morning...kids were up before the sun!

Legos and karioke...doesn't get much better!

Chicago!  Annabelle posing Nathaniel by the tree in front of the Hancock building.

Annabelle and Nathaniel in front of the Hancock building

Looking at the trains at the Hancock building.

The mall on Michigan Avenue where the Lego store is located had lots of fun Lego sculptures.

More Lego sculptures near the Lego store on Michigan Ave.

At the Michigan Ave. bridge with the Hahn Family (my sister) and Grandma Rudy

Another shot of the view from Michigan Ave. bridge.

Annabelle and Nathaniel looking at the windows at Macy's on State Street.  Nutcracker theme this year.

Our hotel room at the Affinia.

A chilly walk along Lake Michigan by Lake Shore Drive.

The cousins on ice!

Annabelle gazing at the miniature rooms in Chicago Art Institute's lower galleries.

A quick visit with Grandma and Grandpa Ludwig.  Annabelle and Nathaniel like the piano!

Nathaniel playing at Grandad's with cousin Jacob.

Annabelle sandwiched between her Aunt Elizabeth (my sister) and Grandad.

All the cousins playing in Grandad's famous play room!

A family shot: The Hahns, Ludwigs and Grandma and Grandad David.

I enjoyed a visit with Jennifer, a friend since kindergarten!  We met for coffee at the "He-Brew" cafe at our old church...Battle Ground United Methodist.

Nathaniel playing with the train at Grandma Rudy's.

Smiley Fries at Arni's!

New Year's Eve fun with Grandma Rudy!

New Year's Eve supper (actually Dec. 30)

Annabelle and Grandma Rudy


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