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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



December 2007

12/1/07...Chris and Nathaniel cutting the bottom off our Christmas tree.

12/1/07...Our first snow.  We got about 6 inches.

12/2/07...The second year for this tradition.  We make a poster sized calendar for the month of December.  We mark all the family events we are attending and holiday tasks we have to do.  It is command central!

Trimming the tree.

Annabelle putting the angel on the tree.

Reading "The Grinch" before watching the cartoon.

Annabelle and I dressed in our choir red for a Choir performance

Let the cookie baking begin...we started Thursday, 12/6.  The kids, especially Annabelle, were a big help this year!  Annabelle is rolling the Russian Teacakes.

Now the butter cookies...Nathaniel loved the auger action of the cookie press!

Annabelle in front of her "window week" 

Friday 12/7...the cookie baking continued with the chocolate crinkles!

Saturday 12/8...time to ice the sugar cookies!  

The only picture I think we got of me on my birthday.  I was too busy with projects for a birthday this year!  We worked on Christmas cookies and gifts all day.  Annabelle performed at our church's huge Christmas concert 3 times over the weekend too (I'm a choir assistant - so I was there too).  Does that still mean I can keep last year's age?

Annabelle piping the stars onto the trees.

Christmas at Wooddale.  Annabelle's choir is the one in the foreground in the white.  

Squint...and you may spot Annabelle in front of the harpist...she is in the 3rd row from the bottom, 4th from the left.

See video links to hear their awesome voices!

Christmas picture 2007

Dec 15...Getting ready for our Christmas gathering with friends...


Annabelle and Nathaniel with our bible study friends.

The "grown ups" table.  Having this group of friend come for a meal each Christmas is my gift to myself!

Later that day...Annabelle is all "mic"-ed up and ready for her drama performance at Wooddale.

A shot of the drama.  See the video in our video links section.

Annabelle ready for action.


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