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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



All about me!

by Annabelle 10/9/04


My favorite part of school are friends and free time

My favorite "specials" are music and art

At recess I like to play tag with my friends, push friends on the tire swings and go down the slides.

The hardest part of school is writing in my Daily News Journal.

The best day of school was when we had a wedding shower for my teacher, Ms. Jessen.  She is getting married on October 15, 2004.  

After school I like to have playdates, go to the park or do some art.

My favorite part about Saturday is playing with Mom.

On Sundays, I go to Jehovah High at church.  Afterwards, we sometimes get Subway Subs!3

My favorite colors right now are red, blue and purple.

My favorite thing to eat for dinner is pasta.

I don't like to eat eggs, meat and most green things (except green beans).

My favorite doll is my American Girl dolls.

I like Brownie Scouting.

I love school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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