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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



August 2008

Today I confess to eating too much chocolate.  Trying to console myself that summer is almost over.  I'm sure that is nothing compared to the amount I will consume next Tuesday when I am alone in the house, both children in school.  It has been a wonderful summer; and I have never been more reluctant to send the kids back to school.

With the kids at 2 different schools this fall (and different start/end times), I won't have too much time to myself.  Between volunteer work and keeping up with the their activities - the minutes are precious few.  In a moment of optimism recently, I dusted off my resume and did my best to update it.  Maybe next year it can get some use!

My favorite memories of the summer were the days we spent up north, on the shores of Lake Superior.  There were also lots of bike rides here at home and afternoons at the beach.  Most of all I loved having the kids to myself every day. 

So I'm already dreaming of next summer...and have already booked campsites up north for nearly a month of nights in a tent.

Until then...there is chocolate.

Read on for the latest on the kids...


  • Enjoyed a summer of reading, reading, reading!  She was in a book club for part of the summer.
  • She was in the Eden Prairie Players summer Children's Theater for the 3rd year.  This year's play was The Shining Princess of the Slender Bamboo.
  • Starting 5th grade this fall at the consolidated intermediate school.
  •  This fall her plans include church choir, continuing drama team at church, theatrical dance class and plenty of homework!











  • Went to a week long sports camp this summer - learning baseball, basketball and soccer.
  • Ready to start 1st grade!
  • Playing fall soccer.  He is number 4 for the "Green Tiger Snakes".
  • Hoping to join Cub Scouts this year.
  • Still reading - we are zipping through the latest by Judy Blume in the Pain and the Great One series.  He also just started the Hank Zipzer series, by Henry Winkler.

Next Update...Fall/Winter 2008

Some things we are looking forward to in the coming months:

  • The Pumpkin Festival!

  • Fall camping trip to Jay Cooke State Park (in a cabin!)

  • Possible trip to Japan and Korea for Chris in November



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