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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM




This summer came and went in the blink of an eye.  I think it was mostly due to the unusually cold temperatures we had in Minnesota this summer.  I was in denial the last week before school started.  For the first time, I waited until the day before school started to get the backpacks out and morning routines nailed down.  It was a fabulous summer, but much too short.

Looking forward fall and enjoying the outdoors as long as we possibly can.  Read on for kid news...


  • After 2 plays this summer, Annabelle is enjoying a more relaxed pace.  She is helping with a new drama team at Wooddale...and looking forward to it!  
  • Settling in to her second year at the intermediate school, 6th grade.
  • Still reading every spare second.
  • Fall activities are very light: church choir and clarinet at school.


  • Had successful surgery in July to have his adenoids removed.  We are so glad he had the procedure...he can breathe so much better and the congestion is gone!  
  • Playing his 4th season of soccer.  It is a great team...and one of his coaches is his pediatrician!
  • Unbelievably...Legos have moved to second fiddle.  I find him reading books more often than playing with Legos .  
  • Space Travel has become a near obsession.  He can tell you anything about the history of space travel and what plans NASA has in store for the future.  

Some things we are looking forward to in the coming months:

  • Pumpkin Festival

  • Fall camping at Jay Cooke State Park (in a rustic cabin)

  • Quiet weekends at home

  • Looking for a cheap flight to Florida to visit Kennedy Space Center!



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