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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Holiday 2004

December 18, 2004

Well...at the last update I was dreaming of snuggling up by the fire with nothing to do but watch the snowflakes fly.  Maybe now with the majority of the holiday rush behind us - we can finally do that.  I feel like someone gave me a big shove Halloween night and I just came skidding to a halt this afternoon.  Next week we've got nothing planned and Annabelle is on winter break.  I plan on lots of "jammies until noon" days and plenty of relaxing.

We are looking forward to welcoming Grandma Rudy for a post Christmas visit. I may try to sneak a mini update in for New Years - to share any last minute Christmas pictures.

Merry Christmas to from our family to yours! 


October 2004   November 2004   December 2004 


 Annabelle has been busy with school and friends these past few months.  She has been doing her usual; church and Brownie activities and attending plays and a few drama/dance workshops.  I think her favorite was getting to participate in our church's Christmas play this year.  Visit her  "Super Page" for more on Annabelle



Nathaniel is finally branching out from trucks!  He is starting to become interested in animals, especially animal puppets.  We are also able to read books about something other than trucks or trains - hooray!  One other notable new interest is singing.  He sings loud and strong - everywhere and all the time. It is pretty cute!

Next Update...Post Holiday and Spring 

  • Holiday visitors

  • Winter fun

  • Nathaniel's 3rd birthday!



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