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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



February 2003

2/1/03...Grandad and Grandma here for a visit

2/2/03...Annabelle at church with Grandad and Grandma

Annabelle getting ready to receive her Bible...as a 4 year old at our church!

Reading stories with Grandad...Nathaniel loves to read!

Playing dollhouse by the fire with Grandma

2/5/03...Happy 1st Birthday Nathaniel!

1 year ago!

Let the party begin!

Reading a new book...Nathaniel's favorite thing to do!

2/6/03...Paper whites have bloomed!

2/11/03...Annabelle posing with Valentines she made for classmates.

2/14/03...Happy Valentine's Day!


Copyright © 2002 Chris Ludwig

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