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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Ludwig Family Top 10 for 2006:

  • Bike Rides! Getting a tag-a-long for Chris’ bike so Nathaniel can enjoy long family bike rides with us.
  • Books! I’m thankful for our wonderful library here and the vast array of books we have to chose from.
  • Camping at Custer State Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We spent a perfect week camping there in July.
  • Taking Annabelle to the "Laura Ingalls Wilder" Festival in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, visiting Plum Creek and seeing the Ingalls Dugout Site.
  • Visiting family.
  • Finding a new church. Hard to let go of old friends, but we wanted to worship in our own community. We have found a new home at Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie
  • Camping at Split Rock State Park in Minnesota
  • Taking Nathaniel to the John Deere Pavilion in Moline, IL
  • Growing Kennebec potatoes in our garden!
  • Spotting 3 Bald Eagles in 2006, one in our own back yard!

Click here to visit the Gallery where all the 2006 pictures can be found. Follow the links on the left hand column to view individual links.

Annabelle is in 3rd grade this year. She loves school and friends, although she isn’t too keen on the homework that accompanies it! She still spends much of her free time reading and playing with her brother. Annabelle is an aspiring performer, and was thrilled to have a part in a community theater production of “Sleeping Beauty” over summer vacation. She played the role of the “Purple Fairy”. This fall she joined the Wooddale Church choir and enjoyed performing Christmas concerts at Mall of America and at the church’s holiday show. She is a world class big sister and our eternally optimistic gal!

Nathaniel is in his second year of preschool this year, heading for kindergarten in the fall of 2007. He developed a passion for crafting this fall and we spend many hours at our “craft center” making things out of paper. He also discovered the joy of Legos, specifically the Technic bricks that allow you to make vehicles. He is still fascinated by construction machines, especially skid steer tractors. I think he has a future in engineering, as he is captivated by the way things work. We visited the local water treatment plant after weeks of answering questions and reading about the pipes that carry water to and from our homes. Nathaniel loves to read books and is proud to be reading some books by himself this fall. 

Click here to visit the Gallery where all the 2006 pictures can be found. Follow the links on the left hand column to view individual links.


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