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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Ludwig Top Memories for 2007

  • Celebrating Nathaniel’s "Golden" Birthday in February (turned 5 on Feb 5th, 2007)
  • Seeing Annabelle shine as Gretel in "Hansel and Gretel" in August.
  • Glorious Camping memories: Split Rock, Tetteguche and Itasca State Parks, all here in Minnesota.
  • Our new pets: fish! We’ve had Annabelle’s fantail goldfish, "Calico" since January. Nathaniel has had "Pick-Up" the golden guppy for a few months
  • Visiting family in Indiana and Illinois.
  • Our new garage interior was completed in May. Many late nights last spring netted us an organized space!
  • Our garden! We had a bumper crop of potatoes…I’ve finally found something I can really grow! The kids had fun watching things progress over the summer.
  • Dad went to Japan 2 times on business…more to come in 2008.




Annabelle, age 9 1/2, 4th grader

  • Favorite things: reading, pasta, acting and singing.
  • I’m in the school choir and in my church choir too (Wooddale Church)
  • I have gotten to be in a few performances with the Wooddale Church Drama team this fall!
  • I am starting a Theatrical Dance Class in January!
  • The best part of my year was playing Gretel in "Hansel and Gretel" last summer.




Nathaniel, age almost 6, kindergartner

  • Favorite things: Legos, chicken nuggets and fries, reading and Legos!
  • I love reading funny books like Junie B. Jones and the Andrew Lost series.
  • I spend most of my time creating things with my Legos and Technic Legos.

Next Update...Winter 2008!

Some things we are looking forward to in the coming months:

  • Our annual post Christmas trip to Chicago and Indiana to see family

  • The Eden Prairie Science Fair, January 12

  • Another trip to Japan for Dad in January

  • Nathaniel's 6th birthday in February

  • A trip to Arizona and California in February



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