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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM




This fall has brought many changes...not the least of which is my returning to work part time.  I am working at Wooddale Church as an administrative assistant in Children's and Outreach Ministries.  I enjoy the work and feel blessed to be on staff there.

Looking back on 2009....here are a few of our favorite memories:

  • Visiting Washington D.C. and Florida last winter.
  • Camping at Split Rock Lighthouse (2 two-week long trips for a total of a month!)
  • Being cast in Peter Pan (Annabelle)
  • Being able to breathe easier after a successful adenoidectomy (Nathaniel)

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  • The teen years have definitely arrived! 
  • Just wrapped up a busy fall season with the Wooddale Choir.  
  • Still reading a lot, but spending more time with friends and online chatting!


  • Still loves space - we are excited to be visiting Florida in February to see the Kennedy Space Center.  
  • Reading more than Annabelle some days!  He loves the Hardy Boys and Boxcar Children.

Some things we are looking forward to in the coming months:

  • Visiting Chicago

  • A winter get-away to Florida

  • Cozy winter nights!



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