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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



I love you like...

I'm not sure how this game got started....but Annabelle comes up with these precious quips.  We've started writing them down...when they are especially good.


"Mommy (or Daddy)," she begins..."I love you like..."

...stars love the sky

...farm loves the animals

...microwave loves the food

...coffee loves the coffee cup

...pea loves the farmer's garden

...the spaghetti loves the sauce

...the sippy cup loves the water

...the clouds love the sky

...the leaves love the trees

...the grass loves the dirt

...the teeth love the mouth

...the exersaucer loves the baby

...the food loves you to make it

added by Annabelle January 2004

...the mistletoe loves the kiss

...the Vaseline loves the lips

...the heat vent loves the dust bunnies

Copyright © 2002 Chris Ludwig

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