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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



My mom, Jan (better know here as Grandma Rudy), went on a mission trip to Monterrey Mexico in February.  Here are some pictures and highlights of her trip.

View of park from mission base deck.

BGUM team members Bob and Susan practice dancing to "That's Amore" for a skit.

BGUM team members (Left to right) Carla, Caroline, Lynn, "Lola" and Pam on the mission base deck.

On mission base deck, Jan, Pam and Carla.

"The Hole", a Mexican shanty town where mission team members handed out bibles, food and shared the gospel for 2 days.  

BGUM mission trippers Susan and Darcy talking to Mexican kids before the outdoor evening service.

More  pictures at "The Mission"

Sharing cupcakes at the boys orphanage.

BGUM mission tripper Darcy blowing bubbles before the show at the orphanage.

Dinnertime at mission base.

Carol will attest that the food is yummy.

Sleeping quarters at mission base.


Handing out meals in the soup kitchen.

Children arriving for lunch at soup kitchen.

Mission team member Jason and Caroline preparing lunch at soup kitchen.

Jan with team member Darcy at flagpole overlooking Monterrey

The whole mission team from Battle Ground United Methodist (BGUM).

The 3 long term staff members from the base camp responsible for the BGUM group.

(Left to Right) BGUM Dinner and movie clubers Jan, Lynn, Joni, Susan.

Downtown Monterrey on shopping day.

Balloon seller on plaza in Monterrey.

A walking advertisement for petting zoo!

Typical storefront window in Monterrey shopping district.

A Catholic church in downtown Monterrey.  


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