View of park from mission base deck. |
BGUM team members Bob and Susan practice dancing to "That's
Amore" for a skit. |
BGUM team members (Left to right) Carla, Caroline, Lynn,
"Lola" and Pam on the mission base deck. |
On mission base deck, Jan, Pam and Carla. |
"The Hole", a Mexican shanty town where mission team members
handed out bibles, food and shared the gospel for 2 days. |
BGUM mission trippers Susan and Darcy talking to Mexican kids before
the outdoor evening service. |
More pictures at "The Mission" |
Sharing cupcakes at the boys orphanage. |
BGUM mission tripper Darcy blowing bubbles before the show at the
orphanage. |
Dinnertime at mission base. |
Carol will attest that the food is yummy. |
Sleeping quarters at mission base. |
Handing out meals in the soup kitchen. |
Children arriving for lunch at soup kitchen. |
Mission team member Jason and Caroline preparing lunch at soup kitchen. |
Jan with team member Darcy at flagpole overlooking Monterrey |
The whole mission team from Battle Ground United Methodist (BGUM). |
The 3 long term staff members from the base camp responsible for the
BGUM group. |
(Left to Right) BGUM Dinner and movie clubers Jan, Lynn, Joni, Susan. |
Downtown Monterrey on shopping day. |
Balloon seller on plaza in Monterrey. |
A walking advertisement for petting zoo! |
Typical storefront window in Monterrey shopping district. |
A Catholic church in downtown Monterrey. |