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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



June 2003

6/1/03...Annabelle and Nathaniel on Nathaniel's favorite toy

6/4/03...Our 9th wedding anniversary; we celebrated with a homemade wedding cake!

6/8/03...Annabelle the budding artist.


6/14/03...Our annual Father's Day trip to Como Park Zoo.

Nathaniel's first carousel ride

Annabelle riding a pony on the carousel

Nathaniel's favorite zoo exhibit...the heavy construction equipment!

6/15/03...Father's Day fun in the sprinkler.


6/19/03...Annabelle's first gardening class.  We went every Thursday this summer...it was by far my favorite activity for this season.  The best part was picking the veggies and eating them!

View of Staring Lake from the Outdoor Center where the class was held

In the garden making a tee-pee - Annabelle is in the white hat.

6/24/03...The Neighborhood Trolley for Annabelle's Mr. Roger's birthday party.

Annabelle working on Neighborhood of Make Believe puppets

King Friday puppet

6/25/03...Finished puppets

Annabelle with sample craft for the birthday party.

6/26/03...Annabelle planting at week @ of gardening class.

6/28/03....Annabelle's 5th Birthday party...see separate album for all the pictures!

6/29/03...We picked 10 lbs of strawberries...Yum!

6/30/03...Nathaniel loves sweet corn!


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