June 2008
I think winter is finally over. I can't really say
summer is here since it is June and I still haven't needed to wear shorts
though! The kids are out of school now - so the relaxation has
begun. That is the key word for our summer - relaxing! We don't have
any major plans...just lots of time in the outdoors.
We will be camping 3 times this year...to our favorite
Minnesota state parks. We'll spend a long weekend at Jay Cooke State Park,
nearly a week at Split Rock Lighthouse State Park and another long weekend at
Tettegouche State Park. We may visit the Air and Water show in Chicago,
but those plans have yet to be firmed up.
Read on for the latest on the kids...
- Continues to love acting. She does a lot of work with the drama team
at Wooddale Church. She also has a role in the Eden Prairie Players
summer children's production. It is called "The Shining Princess
of the Slender Bamboo". She has a much smaller role this year, so
less memorization!
- Annabelle will be participating in a book club at the library this summer.
- She is looking forward to being a 5th grader at the consolidated
intermediate school this fall. All 4 elementary schools come together
at 5th grade...for a joint class size of over 800.
- She turns 10 in July!
- See her web page for weekly
Just graduated from kindergarten...on his way to first grade. It has
been a great year for him
He started soccer this spring and really loves it. He has already
asked to sign up for fall soccer.
He will participate in a sports camp this summer...to sample basketball and
soccer too.
We are still looking for the next great series of books to read. We
gobbled up the Magic Tree House series and all the Research Guides that go
with them. We have been reading some Boxcar Children and a few of the
Ramona series by Beverly Cleary. I think we may return to the humor of
Judy Blume, as she has a new sequel to "Pain and the Great One" out
this month.
Next Update...Summer/Fall 2008!
Some things we are looking
forward to in the coming months:
Camping Trips
Chicago Air and Water Show?
EPP "The Shining
Princess of the Slender Bamboo"
Lots of bike rides
The veggie patch - what will
survive and produce?!?