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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Annabelle's Anthology

Happy March!


Coming Soon- Read Me section!


glitering words

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Recent Events-updated March 6, 2009

A full Account of trip to the District of Columbia and Florida.

February 14-23

Monday: Washington D.C.

  1. American History Museum- I liked seeing the Star- Spangled Banner and the Ruby Slippers.

  2. Botanic Gardens- I liked the awesome plants

  3. Hirshorn Sculpture Museum- I liked the "Big Man"

  4. Natural History Museum- I liked the gems

  5. Air and Space - I liked the Wright Brothers Exhibit

  6. National Gallery Of Art- I liked the Vermeer Paintings

  7. Fords Theatre- The Ranger gave a lecture on John Wilkes Booth

  8. National Zoo-  I liked the Asia Trail

  9. Building museum- There was a cool exhibit on brick walls, and you got to build one!

  10. National Portrait Gallery- I liked the photograph  portraits


At the Botanical Gardens.

The Hirshorn Sculpture Museum

The Hirshorn

The White House!

Me And a Vermeer Painting

A Giant Panda!

Click here for video of the Great Elephant Escape Attempt.

 Feeding the Gulls!

A GINORMOUS sandcastle we made!

 For more pictures go to the Ludwig life homepage,

and click on D.C. \ Florida trip!


Wooddale Drama

I have been in many dramas at Wooddale lately. Most of them have been for the kids, though.

        Click here to see the archive of hilarious skits!


Current Events Archive

Click on links at top left 

Christmas 2007

AA August 2007

AA June 07

AA March 2007

AA Feb 2007 is Feb, 2007




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