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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Month in Review September 2002

Fall is here ...

I love summer...but there is something comforting about the onset of fall.  I like knowing we will be relaxing indoors, cuddling next to the fire for a few months after a summer of non-stop activity.  It is also good to ease back into a routine with school starting.  Of course when April rolls around and there is still 3 feet of snow on the ground...I'll be cheering summer to come!

Click here for September pictures

Click here for Pumpkin Festival highlights


Annabelle has had a big month.  She started back to the preschool she attended last year.  This year she is going 3 days a week...and things are going pretty well.  She loved seeing all her relatives at the Pumpkin Festival this month.  Her big excitement for the month was seeing Raffi in concert yesterday...a real treat!


Nathaniel has had so many changes this month!  He turned 8 months yesterday.  He now has 2 pearly whites...after a lot of pain and tylenol.  The 2 lower teeth have appeared!  He is also mobile.  He just started crawling this weekend.  Well...it is sort of a belly flop at this point...but it is movement!  He still refuses to eat anything but breast milk...except for an occasional Baked Tostido or Cheerio.  

Next Update...Early November

  • More Fall Festivals and activities (church fall festival, apple orchard)

  • Halloween!


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