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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Month in Review July/August 2002

More Summer ...

Again...not much time  for writing this month...see the Gallery for pictures!

Click here for July/ early August pictures

Click here for Late August pictures


Still has a flair for the dramatic.  I've spent my time this summer as anyone but myself!  I am constantly swept up in Annabelle's pretend scenarios...as mother goose or the mama whale...whatever the storyline of the moment is.  Not to mention having to play Barbies for hours!!  But they are only little for a short time...and I love every minute of it!


Nathaniel has turned into a handful...17 pounds of wiggling arms and legs.  He is the squirmiest baby I've ever seen the likes of.  He tries to grab at and investigate everything...and will flail and flop until he reaches his desired target.  Don't be deceived by his sweet appearance here!  Boys...you gotta love 'em!  No teeth yet either!

Next Update...Late September/Early October

  • Back to (pre)-school!

  • Pumpkin Festival in Morton, IL







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