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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Month in Review June/July 2002

Summer continues...

Hot, sticky summer days are here...and so are days at the lake!  It has been a busy 2 months...I'll let our photos in the Gallery do most of the talking:

For June photos click here.

For July and Indiana photos click here.


Annabelle has been very busy!  I was worried that I wouldn't have enough to keep her busy without preschool...but we've been overloaded!  Here is a short list of her activities:  music class on Saturdays, day camp for a 2 weeks, visits to the lake or park almost daily, playing with neighborhood buddies and of course the hoop-la of turning four!


Nathaniel is busy trying to keep up with his sister.  They are actually starting to play with each other...which is heavenly for me!  He is starting to teethe...I'll bet at the next update I'll be able to report a tooth.  He is glad to be back from the tour of Indiana...5 months is a hard age to be strapped in the car seat so much!   See him pictured at the left...on his baptism day.

Next Update...Late August

  • More summer fun!

  • New siding and windows...finally



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