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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Recent Events-updated 3/16/07

"Our God Is Great"

I sang this song in church March 3 and 4th.  Video of me singing it: part 1  and part 2.


My mom, Nathaniel and I all got haircuts.  Here are me and my mom:


Snow Day!

We had a snow day on March 2!  We got about 1 foot of snow the night before. 


Bank Account

Last weekend I opened my own savings account!

Good Books I'm Reading

Biography of Princess Diana

Biography of Nellie Bly

Prisoner of Pineapple Place, by Anne Lindbergh

Ella Enchanted, by Gail Levine

Because of Winn Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo

Current Events Archive 

Click on links at top left AA Feb 2007 is Feb, 2007

School News

I have a part in the school musical!

I will play the part of Nellie Bly in Prairie View's production of "Heroes All".  This is the 3rd grade spring musical, showing Thursday March 22 at 6:15 p.m..  I have 8 lines!  Learn more about Nellie Bly at the pbs website or at the Nellie Bly page.  

Math News

We are working on Algebra in math right now.  We just finished reviewing fractions.  I am working hard to learn my multiplication facts up to 12x12 (144 of course!).  I have to get 100 right in 5 minutes!


In KEY we are working on vocabulary cartoons (See sample below).  We are still in our Flight Unit, learning about the Wright Brothers and the wonder of flight.


Activities - Updated 3/16/07


I joined choir at Wooddale Church last fall.  Our next performance is "The Rock Slinger" musical, on April 25 at Wooddale Church.

Swimming Class

I am taking swimming lessons at FOSS with my friend Jenna.  My instructor's name is Eric and he is hilarious!  I am starting to swim!



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