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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Month in Review May 2002


The warm weather is finally here!  We have been spending every possible moment outside.  So....I'll have to skimp on details this month...and let our pictures do the talking.  Please check out the Gallery to see this month's photos.


May was a huge month for Annabelle.  Many transitions...the last day of preschool, last day of library story time...and a pilot of "no nap" days.  We are still working on that last one!  So far...Annabelle is spending her summer vacation in her sandbox making mudpies.  It is her favorite spot to play...she spends hours there!


This month his personality has just blossomed.  He is definitely different from his sister!  He is very determined...he sets his sights on something he wants to grab and won't quit until he gets it!  He also loves to bounce (see picture!).  Nathaniel is the master of the powernap.  He takes a 20 minute powernap every couple of hours during the day...never a long stretch of sleep until nighttime (mom is very thankful for the nighttime rest though!).  I guess you gotta take the good with the bad!

Siding delayed...

Our new windows shipped late (in fact still haven't shipped)...so the windows and siding are on hold for now.  I'll be glad when it is done...I'm not looking forward to the mess!

Next Update...Mid July

  • Nathaniel's baptism on Father's Day

  • New siding and windows (we hope!)

  • Annabelle's 4th birthday!

  • Indiana trip





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