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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



November 2009

A fall walk through the Richard T. Anderson preserve in Eden Prairie.

A bamboo forest !

Annabelle and Nathaniel!

Making the cranberry relish!

Annabelle's pumpkin pie!

Our traditional Charlie Brown Thanksgiving lunch:  popcorn, pretzels, toast, jelly beans (skittles).  

Our Thanksgiving nature walk, another tradition!

Playing cards before dinner....Grandma Ludwig joined us for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving dinner....

Games by the fire.....

Let the holiday baking commence!  We started a week earlier than usual to accomodate my new work schedule!

Grandma Brecher's butter press cookies!

Grandma taught us all how to play Scrabble.


Copyright © 2002 Chris Ludwig

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