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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



October 2009

Harvesting our Brussel Sprouts before a hard freeze.

The first snow - we got 3 inches on October 11.

Nathaniel's 2nd grade "Window Week"...where he got to fill the showcase outside his classroom with his favorite things.

It was mostly about space and Legos!

Carving pumpkins 2009...


Making Nathaniel's astronaut costume.  This was my easiest ever....I used a vinyl tablecloth, emblems printed from the internet, duct tape and a vacuum hose to construct it.  See the finished product below!

Nathaniel's pumpkin!

Annabelle and her pumpkin.  She was dressed as Sarah Palin.

Nathaniel in his astronaut costume!

Space program - here he comes!

Big leaf pile!


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