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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



12/24/02...Christmas Eve Service and our little angel

Christmas Eve pagent at Faith Pres.

Our Christmas Eve Buffet Dinner!

The traditional chocolate apple!

12/25/02...Christmas morning!

Let the fun begin!!!

Nathaniel on his first Christmas

Making our traditional Green (spinach) Fettucine on Christmas Day!

12/26/02...Grandma Rudy Arrives!!!

12/28/02...Performing a play of the Christmas story with Grandma Rudy.

Grandma Rudy finally holding Nathaniel!

12/29/02...Reading a story together.

Annabelle riding her new scooter (from Santa!)

12/30/02...Stringing popcorn and cranberries for the birds...we didn't get to it before Christmas.

New Years Eve...a nice dinner at home by the fire!

Woozle was too pooped to party...this was about as exciting as our evening got!

1/1/03...Annabelle helped pack a lunch to send on the plane with Grandma Rudy.

Annabelle took this one!

Trying to cheer ourselves up after Grandma Rudy left...we turned to body art!


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