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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



December 2002

12/1/02...Playing after church.

What are you lookin' at?

Mommy is in jail!

12/3/02...Baking  Christmas cookies


12/7/02...Ice skating with Daddy!

12/8/02...What you didn't see on our Christmas card this year!

Hot Fudge Pudding cake for Mommy's birthday.

12/9/02...More Christmas cookies!

12/10/02...And more cookies!  Annabelle helped decorate each and every one of them.

12/14/02...Our kids caroling party.  It was nearly 50!

Nathaniel reading with Mommy.

At Hollidazzle parade downtown Minneapolis.

12/20/02...Annabelle's preschool room...before the Christmas program.

Annabelle singing away (center, back row...red bow in her hair)

12/22/02...It will be a white Christmas!!!

Nathaniel eating his first Christmas cookie!

More sugar!!!


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