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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



October/November 2002

10.08.02...Nathaniel crawling

Getting ready to crash his sister's doll tea party.

Annabelle with her babies...notice the party hats!

10.12.02...At the EP Fire Station Annual Open House.

Annabelle has been waiting a whole year to be old enough for this!

There they go!

Annabelle and Sparky

10.17.02...Nathaniel pounding on the window.

Yes...very funny Nathaniel!

10.31.02...Trick or Treat!

Annabelle with a friend


Nathaniel loves to play with the dishwasher!

And he loves to play with his sister's hair!

11.18.02...At the park

11.16.02...Annabelle's hardware store.  She was "selling" her daddy parts as he put a shelf together for mommy!

Annabelle in the leaves.


11.18.02...Nathaniel experimenting with electricity!

Annabelle playing Brio with her bunny and little doll.

11.19.02...Annabelle helping me wrap some Christmas gifts

Nathaniel helping to box up some gifts.

Annabelle's picture we e-mailed to the Donut Man (Kids Christian entertainer).  He actually replied!!  We were begging him to do a show in Minnesota!


Copyright © 2002 Chris Ludwig

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