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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Split Rock Camping - June 30 - July 8.  Perfection....a much needed respite from the bustling summer we've had!

Annabelle and Nathaniel...on top of Day Hill...Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.

A bridge on the Corundum Mine Trail (Split Rock)

Nathaniel's rock castle on our "Day Hill Beach"

A female merganser I spotted at "Day Hill Beach".

Our campsite at Split Rock...site #1

Camp supper of mac'n'cheese.

Reading on the bench at our campsite...views of the lighthouse in distance.


Picnic lunch on the 5th Falls trail at Gooseberry State Park.

The 5th Falls...

More 5th Falls.

Our "Tadpole Beach"

Roasting marshmallows the cheaters way - over the propane flame.

Hooray!  Dad finally joined us on Friday - hiking to the falls at Tettegouche State Park.

Two Step Falls, Tettegouche.

High Falls - Tettegouche

More High Falls...

Annabelle with a toad she found in the Baptism River.

Annabelle and her toad (no kissing!)

Annabelle and Nathaniel river rock climbing in the Baptism River.

On the Shovel Point Trail.

On Shovel Point.

The enormous apple pie Dad brought us from Costco!

The kids and I on Pebble Beach

Throwing rocks at sunset at Pebble Beach.  Our campsite overlooked this beach.

Split Rock River Falls - on the Superior Hiking Trail.

Annabelle and I after climbing the falls.

The real reason I like to camp....reading and napping on the shores of Lake Superior.

A cute little beaver we spotted at "Tadpole Beach"

Preparing to watch the fireworks in Duluth on July 4.  We watched from the top of a parking garage overlooking Bayfront Park.

Temperance River State Park.

Picnic lunch on the Temperance River.

Temperance River State Park Beach.   A rock cave hideout!

Roasting marshmallows over a real fire.


Watching sunset from our campsite.

Chilling out in the hammocks at camp.

Other side of Day Hill...

Annabelle doing a watercolor of the lighthouse.

Gorgeous full moon on Pebble Beach

Annabelle's birthday!

The birthday girl wakes up!

Birthday breakfast of pancakes!

Birthday lunch...what else...Pasta!

Franklin's ground squirrel...an uninvited guest at every meal!

Annabelle spent the day reading and relaxing on the beach.

Birthday dinner...Subway in Two Harbors!

Annabelle with her cupcakes...

It turned chilly on birthday evening...a fire was a cozy treat.

Happy Birthday Annabelle!


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