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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Spring 2004

I don't know where the time goes!  We are in the midst of a busy spring.  Finishing up the school year, getting the yard in shape after a Minnesota winter and oh yeah...keeping on top of the messes that Nathaniel and Annabelle continually create!  I'm looking forward to summer and hopefully a slower pace.  At least those times when I'm not running away from mosquitos!

Check out the new section about Kid's Fun - e-mail me if you have ideas to share!


27Annabelle is nearing the end of her kindergarten year.  She has a busy summer ahead - here is just a sampling of her plans: Drama School at Stages Theater, swimming class, gardening class, dance class, library park performances, Girl Scout camp and ice skating lessons if we have time!  After all that - 1st grade will seem like a breeze!



Nathaniel is such a simple boy.  He loves trucks and books (about trucks). He is becoming quite the little singer too  - trying to keep up with Annabelle!


Next Update...Fall 

  • Annabelle's 6th Birthday

  • Summer Adventures!

  • Summer Visitors - are you coming?

  • More recipes!





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