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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Spring 2005

This winter seemed to drag on forever...with cold, mainly snowless days.  By March - I was regretting our decision not to travel to a warm destination this year.  But now spring is suddenly upon us - and I'm scrambling to trade snow boots for sunscreen in the mudroom.

We just returned from a wonderful week in Indiana. It was great to see our extended families and the weather was unbeatable.  We were able to be outdoors in the 70s either biking or hiking every day.  

Check the links below for the latest pictures....

Wishing everyone a fantastic summer!


January 2005   February 2005   March 2005   Spring 2005 Indiana Trip 


 Annabelle's biggest news is her first lost tooth.  There is a second one on its way out as I write.  She is busy with school - and when at home she either has her nose in book or is playing with her brother.  She is determined to turn him into a little gentleman!





This picture about sums it up.  Nathaniel is very much his own man.  He spends his days playing with all things wheeled (trains, cars, trucks) and stops occasionally to read with me.  He can be very sweet - but also has a will of iron!

Next Update...Summer 

  • Camping and Biking adventures

  • Annabelle's 7th birthday

  • Family Vacation to East Coast: Pittsburgh and Washington D.C.  

  • Summer visitors




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