08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM |
The week in review…Sunday, February 10, 2002 2/4/02 Monday Started out as a nice slow day. Relaxing at home, getting a few things done. However…Christina started experiencing some bleeding in the afternoon that led to a trip to the doctor. After getting checked out and doing a non-stress test for the baby…we headed back home. Annabelle was a trooper…and stayed in the care of our fantastic neighbor and friend Julie. 2/5/02 Tuesday I had been up on and off during the night with mild "cramps". These continued a bit in the morning…but stopped completely by mid-morning. Annabelle was at preschool...so I headed out for a short walk on an unusually warm day (30s!). This little jaunt was enough to generate some mild contractions…but still nothing to write home about. By lunchtime, they were regular and 4 minutes apart. Chris insisted on coming home from work - despite my warnings that this wasn't the real deal. During Annabelle's nap…we prepared to head to the hospital…but then my contractions stopped altogether. Since the weather was still nice…we headed outside around 5:15 or so to walk around a bit. Contractions started up a bit…this time 2 minutes apart….but not terribly painful. At the urging of neighbors and Chris…I agreed to go to the hospital. I felt silly though…because I was positive this was not the day. On the way to the hospital (a 30 minute trip in traffic)…the contractions stopped completely again. Boy did I feel silly walking onto the labor and delivery floor! I told them to check me out…since I was still bleeding…but not to bother the doctor since I wasn't in labor. I changed into a hospital gown and sat down on the bed waiting for the triage nurse. All of the sudden…gush…my water broke! Talk about perfect timing! From that point on…I was in very active labor. Contractions were only minutes apart and very strong. Okay…I was ready to admit…this was it! It was about 6:30 p.m. at this point. Chris was a wonderful labor coach…I don't know what I would have done without him. I wanted to have an unmedicated birth this time…no drugs at all. With Chris' help…we were able to achieve that goal…although I was begging for narcotics by the time transition rolled around. I was exhausted…and back labor had made it impossible for me to do anything but walk during and between contractions. But it was too late in the game…I was told. The baby had also started to show some signs of distress…and they didn't want anything to interfere with his respiration at birth. Finally…it was time to push…around 9:45 p.m. Only the prayers of my husband and the grace of God gave me the strength to get through this last part. Thankfully…it was short lived…Nathaniel Paul was born at 9:59 p.m. The cord was around his neck…but he was fine at birth and didn't require any oxygen or anything. Praise God! Annabelle was in the care of 2 very kind neighbors and friends. We will be forever indebted to them for their help in bringing Nathaniel into the world. Chris stayed at the hospital with me that night…but we were too excited to sleep. We stayed up all night talking. Nathaniel was a great nurser from the start…he breastfed right after birth and again every couple of hours that first night. 2/6/02 Wednesday was a blur. Chris went home around 5:00 a.m. to relieve our caregiver and start his day. Annabelle woke up and dressed….and quickly came to the hospital to meet her new baby brother! They didn't stay long though…Annabelle still wanted to go to her regular Wednesday story time at the library. They headed back to join me for lunch and some playtime before heading home for a nap. I still hadn't slept since really Sunday night…so I was exhausted. I napped the rest of the day away…while Annabelle and Daddy hung out at home. 2/7/02 Thursday…Ahhh…homecoming day! Chris dropped Annabelle off at preschool and headed over to the hospital to get Nathaniel and me. There was just enough time to get me home before picking Annabelle up. The hospital staff was great and I would recommend the hospital to anyone (Fairview Southdale)…but it was great to be home. We spent the rest of the day getting acquainted.
2/8/02 Friday was just another day of getting caught up. Laundry had mounted, cupboards had gotten bare and the mess of life continued while I was gone. Chris worked like a dog all day to get us caught up. He is a wonderful husband…I am definitely the luckiest wife in the world! 2/9/02 Saturday…another day catching up. We celebrated in the evening with a fire, pizza and a rousing game of Pooh Candyland!
2/10/02 Sunday…Chris and Annabelle headed to church. I stayed home and enjoyed the luxury of a morning shower….with Nathaniel's gracious cooperation. The rest of the day we just hung out. So how are we all really doing? Tired is the first word that comes to mind. Tired but happy. Annabelle is doing pretty well. She is such a sensitive little flower. Her only issue is that she can't stand to hear Nathaniel cry. She falls to pieces when he does…crying harder and louder herself. Thankfully…Nathaniel doesn't cry too much. Hopefully time will make this easier. Nathaniel is a pretty good little guy. He has been sleeping very well at night…only waking to eat every 2 hours…then right back to sleep. When he is awake…he is very peaceful and alert ( most of the time!) We are just humbled by how God has blessed our family. Blessed us with the gift of another child and kind acts and words of friends/family.
Next week (Week of 2/11/02):
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