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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



The week in review…Sunday, February 17, 2002

Monday - A nice quiet day at home…Nathaniel and Annabelle both had baths which took us all morning! Hope we get better at that! Nathaniel's belly button fell off in record time…just under 1 week. Quite a difference from big sis'…Annabelle's petrified cord held on for an amazing 7 weeks!

Mommy Mommy and Annabelle spent some time rocking our babes together…

Tuesday - Preschool…normal Tuesday

Wednesday - Nathaniel had his first check-up. All is well! He has already gained 2 ounces over his birth weight…which is wonderful. Doctor even said we can let him sleep as long as he wants at night without waking to feed. Hurray!

A wonderful cookie bouquet arrived from some of Chris' work acquaintances. A yummy treat!

Thursday - Happy Valentine's Day! Annabelle had a ball at preschool. They had a very fancy party…the table was laid out with a red tablecloth, Valentine cups and plates…the works! Annabelle came home with a big sack of candy and Valentines…and a big smile on her face!

We had lots of nice Valentines from loving grandmas and grandpas to open too. And a few presents to open also.

 Annabelle gave Mommy the best present of all with her Valentine to her.

Friday - Not much to report…

Saturday - Mommy and Daddy cleaned the house all morning…while Annabelle entertained herself. All that cleaning made us tired! 

We rewarded ourselves with Papa John's pizza and a fire in the evening…and lots of playtime with Annabelle!

Sunday - Nathaniel had his coming out at church. It was nice for mommy to get out of the house…and to see all her friends again. Not to mention a chance to show off her little bundle for the first time! 

We hung out after lunch...

and Annabelle had some cuddle time with baby bro'.

Next Week…

  • Daddy goes back to work on Tuesday (yikes!)
  • Back to the weekly routine…say a few prayers for mommy as she flies solo!



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