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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Week in Review March 24, 2002


Friend of the week...

Annabelle's preschool has a great thing called "Friend of the Week".  Each child gets a turn...and during their week...they answer a series of questions about themselves.  The answers are then pasted to a special Friend of the Week poster. 

Here are Annabelle's answers...

What are you good at?

  • Sharing

  • Hide & Seek

  • Coloring

Favorite Color?

  • Pink, purple and yellow

Favorite foods?

  • Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich

  • Carrots

  • Blueberries

  • Cinnamon Oatmeal Squares

What foods don't you like?

  • Tomatoes

  • Lemons

  • Salad

What do you like to play with friends?

  • Play house

  • Hide & Seek

Favorite Toys?

  • Doll house

  • Play kitchen

  • Baby dolls and cradle

What do you want to be when you grow up?

  • Veterinarian

Annabelle also had a great time at her Easter party at preschool.  It was a bit early since they have spring break next week.  She came home full of sugar and joy!









Grandma & Grandpa Ludwig visit...

 Grandparents Ludwig arrived Friday evening.  Saturday...Annabelle had a ball with them at Bachman's (local garden center) at the Easter petting zoo.  The rest of the day was spent playing and capped off by a fire and Papa Johns pizza...our favorite Saturday night treats.

Sunday...the grandparents got a special treat when Annabelle sang with the kids choir in church.  She was darling with her little palm frond...for Palm Sunday of course.  They also got to sneak in a bit of time with Nathaniel...see Gallery for pictures! 

Next Week

  • Spring Break

  • Easter!



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