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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Chicago Post Christmas

Hanging out with the cousins....Noah and Jacob.

At the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI)

The new "You" exhibit at the MSI

Wow - famous buildings made out of Legos!

The space gallery at the MSI!

An Apollo capsule - Apollo 8 I think!

Baby Chicks!

We saw this fella hatch!

The Adler Planetarium.  This was a disappointment because most of the exhibits were closed for construction.  It was worth it though because in the course of a couple of hours we saw capsules from Mercury (MSI), Gemini (Adler) and Apollo (MSI).

More time with the cousins....

Nathaniel and Uncle Dan.

Noah, Jacob and Nathaniel

A chilly walk on Michigan Ave.

Millenium Park.  I vote for a warmer meeting place next year....

Back home for New Years....and a New Years fortune cookie!


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