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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM

Chicago Christmas 09
Thank you



December 2009

Trimming the tree

The angel goes on top - Annabelle doesn't need a boost this year!

Baking sugar cookies!

Making our cookie plates for deliveries!

Annabelle singing at Wooddale's Christmas musical - "No Wonder"

"No Wonder" cast

We celebrated my 39th birthday at home with a quiet pizza and pajama part at home.

A huge Costco cake!

Snuggling in bed for stories!

Getting ready for our Christmas party!

Christmas party prep...

Annabelle and Nathaniel decorated the "kids table"

Annabelle in the Christmas Eve Service...

Christmas Eve...making "Christmas Tree" pizza.

Christmas morning 2009

Making spinach fettucine on Christmas Day....a Ludwig family tradition!

Christmas supper....


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