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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Month in Review December 2002

Merry Christmas! ...

What a month!  Thanksgiving, baking cookies, mailing packages, making gifts, our caroling party, Christmas parties...the list goes on.  This is my favorite time of the year...as we remember the birth of our Savior.  See pictures for our favorite memories of this season.

Click here for November/December Pictures

Click here for December Pictures


Another big month for Annabelle.  She has been busy helping me bake cookies and making lots of holiday merriment!  She was a huge help this year...I'm afraid I probably broke some child labor laws she was a such a good worker!  She loved having a caroling party with church friends...a party all of her own creation.  



Well...we are up to 7 teeth now!  Nathaniel is almost 10 and a half months now...and is an expert cruiser.  He moves about from chair to chair with ease.  I think he will walk right at a year though...just like his sister.  He has done a good job staying away from the Christmas tree...thank goodness!



Next Update...January

  • Christmas and New Year's Celebrations

  • Grandma Rudy visit!!!

  • Annabelle's half birthday





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