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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Month in Review Oct/Nov 2002

Happy Thanksgiving! ...

I'm a bit late with this month's update...so we'll have 2 months in one.  We've been busy with fall celebrations and getting ready for the holidays (already!). Check out the picture links and kids' updates below!

Click here for October/November Pictures


Annabelle has had a great month.  She has been busy getting settled at school, making new friends and helping mom with lots of holiday crafts!


Another month of big changes for Nathaniel!  He has gone from barely crawling to almost walking.  He lives to cruise and climb.  I call him my "curious caterpillar" because he wiggles along the floor until he finds a vertical surface to climb!  He is also getting some chompers.  At last report he only had 2.  He is working on the top 4 all at once...so soon he will have 6 teeth.  He is finally eating some solids...but went straight to table food...no baby food for this boy. 

Next Update...Late December

  • Thanksgiving

  • Christmas celebrations!!



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