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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Month(s) in Review Spring 2003

What a wonderful spring!  It is just starting to arrive here in Minnesota.  I'm sitting here with a belly bloated with Marshmallow Peeps and chocolate bunnies...wearing a sweatshirt and listening to the fire crackle nearby.  It is a chilly, wet Easter day...but I'm glad to be indoors.  A week of unseasonably warm temperatures  recently caught me off guard for living outdoors with young children!  Splinters, dirty knees, mudpies...yikes!

It has been a whirlwind since the last update.  March was filled with lots of activities...including our annual trip to Indiana.  It was very short this year...only allowing time to visit with family.  I hope we can make it longer next year and have time to visit with friends as well.  

I don't know where the month of April has gone!  Between recovering from a trip and Easter preparations...it has slipped away!  The week of warm weather we had was a nice reminder of the leisurely days of summer that are just around the corner.

See pictures for lots more details and kid updates below!

Click here for March 2003 pictures

Click here for Spring 2003 Indiana Trip pictures

Click here for April 2003 pictures


Annabelle has had a busy spring too.  We visited her kindergarten for next year...I can't believe it is time for the bus already!  The highlight of her spring though was the Donut Man concert we attended.  Annabelle actually got to go up on stage with him...her dream to be a "Donut Repair Club" kid came true!.  I've said it before...but if you've got kids...you must get to know this Christian singer/entertainer.  His ministry is awesome...attending his concert was one of the most joyful experiences of my life!  Check out his website at www.donutman.com.   

She also enjoyed her trip to Indiana...and loved playing with her cousins. Of course all that love and attention from grandmas and grandpas didn't hurt either!

A busy summer ahead...with gardening class, soccer, drama day camp, days at the beach, concerts....I can't wait!  This is the pay off for all the really hard parts of being a parent...getting to do the fun stuff finally!!! 


Nathaniel is a typical toddler...into everything!  I spend my day refilling empty toy baskets and bins...and an occasional kitchen cabinet.  He adores the outdoors and stands at the window and chants for "o-side" many a day.  He also loves our sandbox out back...so it will be a dirty summer for me!  He is really getting into cars and trucks...and enjoys cruising in his Cozy Coupe or riding his sister's scooter (who cares if it has Disney Princesses on it???) 


Next Update...Mid to late Summer

  • Last Day of preschool

  • Summer fun (beaches, classes and camps)

  • Summer visitors....hope you can come!

  • Annabelle's 5th birthday in July!!!




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