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08.28.2011 10:04:05 PM



Month(s) in Review Winter 2003

What a busy couple of months!  I can't believe it is mid February already.  We had a wonderful holiday this year and hope that you all did as well.  We were blessed to have both my mom and dad come to visit since the last update...see pictures for the fun time we had.  

Winter is finally here...with lots of snow.  I'm ready for spring!  A couple more months for we Northerners!  

We will be taking our annual Indiana pilgrimage early this year...in the spring instead of summer.  So e-mail me if you'd like to get together!

The updates I fear are going to fall to quarterly ones...Nathaniel is very time consuming right now!

Click here for Christmas/New Years Pictures

Click here for January Pictures

Click here for February Pictures

Click here for 2002  Pictorial Review


Annabelle enjoyed the holidays as well as all the visitors we've had.  This is a tough time of year...being trapped inside so often.  So we've had some creative days!  School is still going well and she is looking forward to kindergarten next year.  We've signed her up for soccer (a surprise to those of you that know what an athlete her mom is (n't!)) .  She is also looking forward to seeing the Donut Man in concert next month.  He is a wonderful Christian singer/entertainer (for kids).  If you've got little ones...you must learn about this guy...visit his website at www.donutman.com  


Nathaniel is a year old now.  He started walking a week before his birthday, just like his sister.  He is saying a few words..."mama"  for the dual meaning of "mommy" and "yes".  His first official word was book (after mama)...appropriate since he loves to read.  He spends his day emptying cupboards, baskets and reading books.  


Next Update...Late Spring

  • Donut Man concert

  • The Ludwigs on tour!









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